Adolescent Depression

Tap Into a New Possibility for Adolescent Depression

Treat depression at the source with NeuroStar® TMS, a non-drug, non-invasive treatment that can be used in combination with other therapies.

A New Hope for Adolescent Depression

If you are looking for another option to treat adolescent depression, you are not alone. Each year, nearly 1 in 5 US adolescents experience at least one major depressive episode.1

Illustration that one in five adolescents experience at least one major depressive episode.

"It’s like physical therapy for your brain."

TMS stands for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, a non-invasive, non-drug treatment proven to work for major depression.1

Depression is caused by reduced activity in the areas of the brain that regulate mood.6 NeuroStar TMS “wakes up” those areas with focused magnetic pulses to help the brain function how it should. 2,3,4

Brain diagram with NeuroStar device overlay

Safe and Effective for Adolescent Depression

Countless depression sufferers have tried antidepressants and they haven’t worked. Others are simply looking for the depression treatment that feels right for them or a loved one. Whatever the case, medication isn’t the only route to relief.

Nearly 10,000 adolescents have been treated with over 300,000 NeuroStar sessions. (Based on 169,000 global patients treated. Data on File, 2024)

Proven Results in Adolescents

78 %
48 %

Actual Patient Testimonials

Adolescent Depression

Depression really hit me hard in high school. I was on so many different medications that I didn’t feel like myself…. My mom found [NeuroStar] TMS and I decided to give it a try. It was great – the best thing that ever happened to me.

– Aubrey, age 18

Adolescent Depression

With NeuroStar TMS, we felt there is hope after all.

— Patricia, parent of adolescent

Find out if NeuroStar TMS is right for you or your loved one.
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